Meet our South Central Regional Sales Manager, Alan Stone
Breaker/Attachment Division
Alan Stone is the South Central USA Regional Sales Manager for FRDUSA Breaker Attachment Division and started selling for them in 1980. He trained under Jerry Stone who was the first full time outside salesman for KENT AIR TOOL/ KENT DEMOLITION TOOL COMPANY beginning in 1961. He has sold all Four Generations of Furukawa Hydraulic Hammers and is familiar with the workings and designs of virtually all competitive brands.
He is experienced in calling on and Developing New Dealers and selling to the Rental Industry. Alan has expertise in showing the Dealers and Rental Companies how to maximize their Investment in our products through Dealer Sales Training, Service Training, End User Maintenance and Operator Training. “After the sale, support is imperative for success in this industry!”, notes Alan on FRD’s exemplary service team.
Alan loves spending time with Debby, his wife of 25 years and their Yorkshire Terrier, Ashley Bows. Alan says that the demands of this job lend itself to staying fit and healthy through whatever he can do to maintain that. He enjoys running, biking and hits the gym once a week for strength training.
Alan covers Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
Alan Stone
RSM South Central USA
Mobile 214-763-3463 or
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To learn more about FRD USA hydraulic breakers and how their mono-block body design can improve productivity and decrease costs, call FRD USA at 800.527.2282
Furukawa Rock Drill USA is a leading manufacturer of blast hole drills, hydraulic breakers and various other attachments for skid steer, mini excavators, backhoes and excavators. FRD USA Attachment Division (formerly marketed as Kent Demolition Tool) is a leading brand throughout North and Central America, and FRD USA Rock Drill Division offers a complete line of advanced drills and accessories for construction and quarry sites.